Alexa’s Soul Story
Notes: Alexa has graciously allowed the use of her real name and photo.
Profession: Business Development
Interests: Building community, Dance, Social entrepreneurship, Travel, Family
Religion or Spiritual Background: Spiritual
Location: Amsterdam
Nationality: American
Do you believe in reincarnation? (Pre-Session): Undecided
Beyond Perfection: Navigating Life's Uncertainties
Alexa was raised in the USA and later relocated to Amsterdam for her career. She's a vibrant and sociable person, full of energy, empathy, ambition, with a wide range of interests and activities. She is passionate about bringing positive impact into the world, particularly related to helping people authentically connect and communicate with one another.
She has lived a very full and varied life socially and professionally, however no matter how much she achieves or how many positive things happen for her, she often finds it difficult to stop and appreciate the present moment, and instead feels restless and wanting for something different and something more without knowing exactly what.
At times, her perfectionist nature holds her back from taking action to figure out what it is that she really wants, for fear of failure or moving in the wrong direction. As a result, she ends up caught in thought loops, and her “analysis paralysis” can cause stress and frustration. She attended a session out of curiosity to explore the origins of these feelings.
Intentions for the Session
What is the cause of this restlessness and desire to maximize every situation and achieve perfection in all my life choices?
Notes: Clients prepare these intentions and questions before their sessions. These intentions are crucial because they can determine which life the clients will explore.
A Simple Life of a Viking Man in a Small Village
In her past life, Alexa visited life as a man in his 20s, standing by a dirt path and a wooden fence, dressed in deep purple leather shoes, baggy trousers, and a light beige shirt. He has auburn hair and sun-kissed skin, and he carried a small sack filled with potatoes. His home was a small red clay house with red stones on the facade, topped with a rounded thatched roof, where he lived with his young daughter, who had braided hair and turquoise eyes. At that moment, he was enjoying a bowl of rabbit stew. The surroundings and his attire suggest that he seemed to belong to a Viking tribe.
He was a man who cherished the little things in life. He worked as a horseshoe maker and his days were spent working with horses, where he found comfort in the tender bond he had with them. One day, the village was filled with excitement as a street fair arrived, featuring performers dressed in bright purple and gold costumes.
It appeared that his wife had died following the birth of their daughter. While he was fond of her, he had met her young and did not have a deep romantic connection with her. At one moment, when he was in his 40s, he encountered a much younger, enigmatic woman with sleek black hair and eyes as green as the forest, and they shared a brief moment of intimacy. Feeling desired by her was one of his life highlights, though she was not interested in pursuing anything romantic on the long term.
One day, he was asked to help with some kind of naval mission commissioned by a king, as the naval officers were in need of goods provided by the blacksmith in his village. He went to meet them at the cliff shore and show them the way back to the blacksmith, and found himself watching the ocean's waves crash against the shore, a reminder of the world beyond his village. He led the noblemen to the village blacksmith, feeling the weight of responsibility and the uncertainty of trust.
"I'm by the ocean. And I just notice tall grass blowing next to me. It's sort of like a wild ocean landscape. Feels like I don't usually see the ocean. It's a fairly new thing"
In his death bed, as he was dying from some type of illness, he realized that his regrets were not for the life he had led, but for the opportunities he had let slip away.
Sunhee: Looking back at this life, what do you wish you had done differently?
Alexa: I wish I had a more fulfilling romantic life. I feel quite alone. Even though I have, like, someone taking care of me, I don't have a wife or partner. It’s like I’ve spent my life stuck in the same place, only catching a glimpse of the sea once. I never really ventured beyond my little village or town.
Sunhee: What held you back from pursuing a more romantic life? Why didn’t you take any steps?
Alexa: Honestly, I was not a very attractive person, and there weren’t many people around in my village. I pretty much ran out of options. I was content working with animals and could take care of myself. I never really went hungry or anything; I always managed to get what I needed.
Sunhee: What do you value about that past life version of yourself? What was his special quality?
Alexa: He was super kind and had a great sense of humor. He brought a lot of joy to situations. He really knew how to handle things well. Plus, he was dependable and always followed through. He did the right thing, you know? He was always there when he said he would be.
Journey to the Spiritual Realm and Meeting Guide
As Alexa transitions from this man’s body to place of afterlife, she describes her experience.
Sunhee: Ok now you are leaving your body and hovering above it, heading somewhere. What’s going on?
Alexa: I’m flowing through the air, almost like an arrow shooting upwards. I’m noticing that the air trails behind me are swirling around, and I don’t feel like I have a body anymore. Initially, I felt like a rounded point, but now it’s like I’m not connected to anything physical at all.
"I’m flowing through the air, almost like an arrow shooting upwards. I’m noticing that the air trails behind me are swirling around, and I don’t feel like I have a body anymore."
Sunhee: Where do you go from here? What do you see?
Alexa: Desert. The sky is really purple. Like dunes. Bright stars. It’s like there are these formations, not quite sand, but something that feels like stone made from sand. Everything feels so wide open.
"The sky is really purple. Like dunes. Bright stars..."
Sunhee: There is a special being waiting to deliver a message to you. Who do you see?
Alexa: It's a bit hazy, but I see this bright white light and some purple hues. The sky has a purple tint, and this being seems to have something like a purple gem, but I can't make out its shape. It gives me a bit of an uneasy vibe—kind of powerful and a little intimidating. This being want me to feel well and stay calm, and feel a sense of responsibility for me.
"This being want me to feel well and stay calm, and feel a sense of responsibility for me."
Glimpse of Future
Alexa visited a joyful moment from her future, where she sat on the shore, gazing at a rowboat gently floating on the serene sea. Beside her was her child, and felt deep sense of fulfillment.
"It felt like I was allowing myself to fall a little. It’s hard to explain, but overall, I just felt this release of energy, letting go and not holding on so tightly anymore."
Sunhee: What adjustments did you make to reach this happy moment?
Alexa: I let go a little. I eased the tension I was holding onto, almost like I was loosening my grip on some ropes. It felt like I was allowing myself to fall a little. It’s hard to explain, but overall, I just felt this release of energy, letting go and not holding on so tightly anymore.
Almost like an analogy with a sailboat...It’s a bit like sailing, you know? When you pull in the sails, everything moves forward smoothly, and that feels great. But if you loosen them up, they start flapping around, and it gets super noisy and chaotic. It’s like the boat comes to a halt for a bit, giving you a chance to decide where you really want to head next.
Guidance from Higherself
The phrases "higher self," "subconscious mind," and "intuition" describe akin ideas, albeit under different labels. They represent the part of us that contains innate wisdom. Through engaging in conversation and posing questions that clients have prepared for themselves, they are able to access and respond from the profound wisdom within them while in this trance state.
Sunhee: Why was this life selected for her to witness?
Alexa as Higherself: He lived a simple life. Even though he died with a lonely feeling at the end of the day, his life was still meaningful. He is very giving and caring, and Alexa tends to sacrifice her own needs, which he also sometimes does. And maybe even though he had a meaningful life, he also had moments where he felt regret were usually where he didn't put his own needs first. Lessons seem to be it’s okay to go for what you want.
Sunhee: Is there something preventing her from pursuing what she truly desires due to the influence of others?
Alexa as Higherself: She might be holding herself back. It's not just about other people's opinions; it seems more tied to her own belief that she can't achieve her goals. It's similar to a guy who thought he wasn't attractive, which led him to miss out on relationships. His lack of confidence was more about his beliefs than reality.
Sunhee: Can she release that belief now? Is it possible for her to fully embrace the idea of moving forward, letting go of that belief, and making a change?
Alexa as Higherself: Yes. There's so much these stories that we tell ourselves can hold us back in so many ways. And if we just get out of our way....
Sunhee: Could her restlessness for change and wanting to optimize everything be connected, or is it something else entirely?
Alexa as Higherself: I believe it is related. It seems like she has this belief that if she takes action, she might not succeed, so she thinks it’s safer to stay inactive. I feel like it's kind of this mindset where, if she thinks she might fail at something she really wants, she’d rather just not try at all.
Sunhee: Is that really the case?
Alexa as Higherself: Not at all. It’s understandable to hesitate before making that first move because it feels daunting. There’s a misconception that you can’t achieve success if she takes that step. It's easier to not try and protect yourself from disappointment.
Sunhee: Is disappointment greater than regret?
Alexa as Higherself: No. It's trying and failing. It's almost like experiencing the pain of failing in your life versus looking back and wondering what it could have been. An idealized state. She does a lot of idealizing things, so regretting is almost like another form of idealizing. It's just retrospective versus experiencing.
Sunhee: What suggestions do you have to help her take that first step forward without feeling overwhelmed or anxious?
Alexa as Higherself: Simply pause and take a deep breath. The sailboat analogy is quite intriguing. Before you set sail, you need to unfurl the sails. She needs to spend some quality time with herself, almost like curling up in a fetal position. It’s more about stepping back from social interactions and external distractions. It’s about giving herself a chance to reflect, not just taking a break, but truly diving into her thoughts, which can lead to clearer insights.
When I think about the sailboat, letting the sails out can create quite a bit of noise. So, creating a little cocoon to block out that noise while she sits in the stillness is important. I believe she has tried, but the idea of taking an entire week off with no plans or work commitments could be transformative. It’s about disconnecting completely and seeing what unfolds, something she may not have experienced yet.
A lot of anxiety stems from outside influences. By reducing external distractions and demands on time, she can discover her true strength. This approach allows her to create a more meaningful impact, whatever that may be.
Sunhee: Thank you! Before we wrap up today's session, do you have any advice you'd like to share with her that she can reflect on later?
Alexa as Higherself: It's important to be gentle with herself. She’s really determined. She’s quite tough on herself because she recognizes her own capabilities. She has the potential to make a significant impact on others, but she feels like she’s not reaching her full potential. At times, it can be hard to see which way to go, leading her to place blame on herself when, in reality, there are many factors at play. It’s not solely about her making mistakes or doing things right; sometimes, it’s about the bigger picture, like the overall situation and external influences. Yet, she tends to feel that the responsibility lies entirely with her.
Sunhee: Where is that tension in her body? Can you locate it for her? And what does it look like?
Alexa as Higherself: It's always in her upper back. It's tense, and it can restrict breathing sometimes. Lime green. like a sheet metal. (We conducted visualization healing on this area.)
“Going into the session, I was skeptical that I would be able to see anything or that I might make things up from my own imagination, but once I settled into the experience, I was pleasantly surprised at how the words and images flowed, and how insightful and relevant some of the learnings were. Some of the things I saw in the session are still very vivid in my mind, and have become helpful reference points and guideposts when I find myself stuck in daily life. ”
Alexa works as global business development manager in Amsterdam. She has a deep passion for exploring and understanding what drives us to connect and motivates us to change our behavior through theory, data, and lived experience.