Luke’s Soul Story


  • Profession: Entrepreneur

  • Interests:  Travel, Surfing, Architecture, Product Design

  • Religion or Spiritual Background:  Spiritual

  • Location: Lisbon, Portugal

  • Nationality: Dutch

  • Do you believe in reincarnation? (Pre-session): Yes

Desire to Embrace the Gift of
Energy Healing

Luke is in his early 30’s and he is an entrepreneur and architect in the past. He has a kind-hearted and empathetic personality. Having grown up in a privileged family, he never faced any significant challenges. However, Luke’s true passion lies in creating products that can positively impact people’s lives. Additionally, he has a deep curiosity for spiritual topics, which he naturally feels drawn to. 

Luke recently discovered a unique gift within himself - the ability to heal others with his energy. He has successfully helped his friends overcome illness through energy healing. Despite his success, Luke finds himself feeling anxious and fearful when it comes to this gift. He wonders why and how he can effectively utilize this gift in the future.

Intentions for the Session
Why is Luke apprehensive and anxious about his gift of energy healing, and what steps can he take to address these feelings?

Life as Black Servant

He finds himself as a black man living during a time of slavery. Working as a slave for a white family, he sees a scene from a hilltop house overlooking a mesmerizing ocean view. The warm sun shines brightly upon the water, creating a breathtaking sight.

Luke descends a set of white stairs and approaches a family dining on the terrace. As he serves them food, he encounters a mysterious man in his 50s or 60s, with gray hair, wearing a hat and glasses. This master, though quiet and reserved, exudes a certain power that renders Luke unable to meet his gaze. The fear of potential punishment, even death, prevents Luke from making eye contact.

Insights: It's quite usual for individuals to recall past lives where they belonged to a different race or gender during the session.

Life as being On a Mission to Serve Earth

Luke visits a life where he is surrounded by beings in capes, who prepare him for a mission on Earth - to serve and help people. As a map lies on the table, Luke examines the green areas and water depicted, without any signs of cities or buildings. The anticipation of this grand mission fills him with excitement and empowerment. Luke feels an immense sense of trust from these beings as he prepares to embark on his mission to Earth.

Experience in a Different Planet

In one scene, he finds himself looking at a moon-like planet, radiating an intense brightness. He senses that he exists as a being without a physical body, transcending the limitations of the material realm. 

Life as Energy Healer

Luke finds himself as a young man in his 30s, dressed in a white cape, deep within a forest. People from various walks of life come to seek his guidance and healing. As if serving as a priest, Luke’s mere presence has a profound impact on those who seek him out. He blesses them with his energy and healing abilities, leaving them grateful and speechless. This sense of unconditional love that emanates from him brings Luke immense happiness and fulfillment.

“You know, it feels like there's this deep understanding inside me... I can't exactly say it's happiness. It's more about serving, just serving purely out of love. It's like I'm a priest or some kind of spiritual teacher that folks come to see in the woods. They're really thankful, and it's all so quiet.”

Outcomes and Insights

Expanded mind

He underwent profound experiences, including memories of a past life from a different race and encounters with spirit guides and even in different planet.

Inner calling & bravery to share his healing talent

He gained insight into why he chose to come to Earth before birth and found the clarity and courage to express his healing gift. This transformative experience not only provided him with a sense of direction for his future but also imbued him with a deeper understanding of his soul's purpose.

Insight gained to investigate further

Despite being unable to make significant progress, his previous life as a black slave might be influencing his apprehension towards embracing his talent. I suggested that he should meditate and delve deeper into this issue to overcome any fears or obstacles.

“The session we had was incredibly powerful and the visions I had are still on my mind everyday. I have mentioned the session to many people in my life as pivotal moment in my journey. So thank you! 

“We are divine but imperfect beings who exist in two worlds, material and spiritual. It is our destiny to shuttle back and forth between these universes through space and time while we learn to master ourselves and acquire knowledge.”

Dr. Michael Newton
Counseling Psychologist, Master Hypnotherapist, Spiritual regressionist
Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives


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