Mel's Soul Story

Notes: Mel has kindly permitted the use of her real name and photo.


  • Profession: Chief Operating Officer in a Financial Startup

  • Interests:  Travel, Fashion, Food, Fitness

  • Religion or Spiritual Background:  Spiritual not religious. Agnostic.

  • Location: San Francisco

  • Nationality: Chinese American

  • Do you believe in reincarnation? (Pre-session): Yes

Journey of Independence and Freedom

Mel serves as the Chief Operating Officer at a financial startup, where she is highly respected for her leadership abilities, strong work ethic, and interpersonal skills.

Her family immigrated from China when she was a child. During her upbringing, Mel faced challenges in her relationship with her parents, feeling a lack of financial and emotional support, particularly due to her mother's controlling nature. This environment fostered a strong and independent spirit in her. She began working at a young age, which allowed her to manage and grow her finances well.

A few years back, Mel went through a breakup that deeply affected her emotionally. Since then, she has focused on healing and personal development. Her initial attempt at a session didn’t go well, as she was overwhelmed by a busy work environment and struggled to understand the concept of visualization. However, she returned to the session with a more relaxed mindset and improved her visualization skills, ready to engage with the following questions.

Intentions for the Session

  • What was the nature of Mel's relationship with her ex-boyfriend in their past lives?

  • What is Mel's purpose in this life? What lessons is she meant to learn?

Note: Clients prepare these intentions and questions before their sessions. These intentions are crucial because they can determine which life the clients will explore.

Loyalty in Europe

In her first past life, she saw herself as a little boy, wearing a school uniform with a peculiar-shaped hat, entering a large and luxurious house. The boy also noticed a grand staircase leading upstairs, old wooden furniture reminiscent of museum pieces, and a majestic chandelier. It seemed like he was in Europe, and he had a feeling of being related to royalty.

Notes: “He” represents Mel's past life version in the following text.

They had high expectations for him, grooming him to take over the throne. His father, who wore many medals, had great expectations of him and wanted him to become a good ruler.

He described his mother as having red eyes and white hair, and he felt a sense of fear when looking at her. He suspected that she may have been possessed and was not safe for anyone. 

His father died one day, and it looked like his mother might have had a role in his father's death. In the next scene, he found himself confined in a tiny room, bound by chains too.

In the following scene, there was an audience watching his mother being prosecuted for her actions. He believed that his mother had planned to marry his father and plotted the events that had unfolded since his birth, all intending to take over the country.

Finally, he had become the king, wearing military outfits with a sash, a crown, and numerous medals. He was content and fulfilled, surrounded by the love of a kind and beautiful woman who had always been by his side.

Mel shared that the key lesson from this past life was about rebuilding trust in others. The painful discovery that his mother was cruel and controlling had deeply affected him, leading him to isolate himself from people. This lingering energy might influence her present life.

From this experience, she learned that one person's behavior shouldn't define her view of everyone else. Mel realized she must not allow her past to control her relationships and that she should be more open to trusting others.

Wealthy Girl in Hong Kong

Mel found herself in another past life, this time as a young girl living in a contemporary Hong Kong filled with tall gray concrete buildings. She saw herself wearing Mary Jane shoes and white socks, with her hair tied up in pigtails. From a hilltop, she looked down at the city and noticed a rectangular-shaped high-rise building with a lobby that had an automatic door.

The girl entered the lobby, greeted by someone at the front desk who seemed to know her. She headed towards the elevator, destined for the penthouse. The view from the penthouse was breathtaking, with floor-to-ceiling windows, marble floors, modern furniture, and a black piano. There were many servants around, reflecting the luxurious lifestyle her parents led due to her father's successful business.

Her mother, who resembled her current mother but younger and more polished, seemed very strict and demanding. She set high expectations for the girl's behavior and appearance, pressuring her to act ladylike. The girl felt exhausted from constantly striving to meet these expectations, longing for freedom from the superficiality and societal pressures imposed on her.

One day, during an event where she was supposed to showcase her piano skills, the girl decided she had enough. She abruptly stopped playing, disappointing her mother and the audience. Feeling tired of living up to these expectations, she rebelled by leaving the event, removing her shoes, and retreating to her room.

Time passed, and the girl found herself at her mother's funeral, feeling relieved and free from the pressures that had burdened her for so long. With her mother gone, she finally had the chance to live life on her own terms. She dedicated her time to caring for her own family, which included a loving and supportive husband and two adorable children.

Despite her wealth, she chose to let her husband work and contribute to the family. The girl-turned-woman appreciated his effort and understood that material possessions were not the key to happiness.

As she grew older, the woman and her husband spent their days reminiscing about their lives, cherishing the time they had together. Her father passed away and she took over his company, managed her wealth.

In her final days, she lay in bed, in her eighties, sick from a terminal illness. Together with her husband, they decided to end their lives peacefully, feeling fortunate for having met and experienced a fulfilling life together.

Reflecting on this past life, Mel shared that her purpose in this life was to protect her family from the pressures of wealth and appearances. She wanted to shield them from the superficiality that she had experienced in her upbringing.

She realized that she had fulfilled this objective and felt grateful for the opportunity to meet her husband, create a loving family, and embrace a more meaningful and authentic life.

“I felt fortunate to meet my husband and start a family. I wanted to shelter and protect my family from the pressures I faced… particularly those related to finances and the need to maintain appearances. I wanted to shield my children and my husband from the superficiality and the compulsion to show off, which were prevalent in the environment I grew up in.  I wanted to prevent them from being part of that world, and I believe I succeeded in doing so…”

Outcomes and Insights

Soulmate connection

As Mel discovered that her ex-boyfriend might have been her spouse in a previous life, she realized the reason behind her deep attachment to the relationship.

Soul group dynamics & insight into soul’s purpose

It appears there is a recurring pattern of a controlling and challenging mother or parents in her past lives, including the current one. This may indicate a consistent soul lesson she is attempting to learn through similar family dynamics.


In this life, her personality is markedly more independent and strong, contrasting with her previous incarnations, where she experienced significant pressure from authoritative parents.

The idea of parallel lives

Mel's experience as a privileged woman in Hong Kong highlighted a contemporary backdrop that feels somewhat illogical as a past life experience considering her birth year. Many participants have reported experiencing realities in contemporary settings, leading us to consider the possibility of parallel lives.

Growth: Journey toward finding trust and freedom

As Mel reflected on her past lives, she felt a sense of gratitude for the opportunities, connections, and love she had experienced in this life. She recognized that her experiences had shaped her journey toward finding trust and freedom. With a renewed perspective on life, Mel embraced the present and the future with a deeper understanding of herself and the world around her.

"Understand the nature and influence of repeating patterns, from childhood experiences or even from past lives. Wthout understanding, patterns tend to repeat, unnecessarily damaging the relationship."

Brian Weiss
Messages from the Masters: Tapping Into the Power of Love


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